| <p>Bring joy to someone’s life this holiday season and become a sponsor for the Department of Public Social Services’ (DPSS) Adopt-A-Family Program. Each year, this long-standing tradition brings smiles to hundreds of families served by DPSS. In 2024, over 731 generous sponsors, provided gifts to over 1,111 CalWORKs, IHSS, Medi-Cal, and CalFresh families during the holiday season. </p>
<p>Los Angeles County staff, individuals, groups, and local businesses can all participate in this joyous and gratifying program by sponsoring families. Sponsors are matched with a family and provided with their contact information along with the family’s “wish list” of requested items. These new items may include; groceries, clothing, gift certificates, or toys. Collaborate with family and friends to make a difference and experience the true spirit of giving during the holiday season.</p>
<p><strong>Adopt-A-Family 2025 </strong></p>
<p>The Adopt-A-Family Program runs annually from October - December. </p>
<p>Please check back in October 2025 for program updates. </p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>For any questions, please contact us at</p>
<p>Telephone: (213) 744-4344</p>
<p>Email: adoptafamily@dpss.lacounty.gov</p>