| <p>GRANT A WISH!<br>Adopt-A-Family Program!</p><p>Bring joy to someone's life this holiday season and become a sponsor for the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) Adopt-A-Family Program. Each year, this long-standing tradition brings smiles to hundreds of families served by DPSS. In 2023, over 800 generous sponsors, provided over 1,200 CalWORKs, IHSS, Medi-Cal, and CalFresh families with gifts during the holiday season. Los Angeles County staff, individuals, groups and local businesses can all participate in this joyous and gratifying event by sponsoring families. Sponsors are provided with the "adoptee's" contact information along with their "wish list" of requested items. Sponsors will have the opportunity to discuss their matched family(ies) interests and needs which can range from grocery items, clothing, gift certificates or toy requests. The 'Spirit of Giving' is contagious and numerous volunteers who have participated in past years with this program have voiced their heartfelt sentiment. This activity is a fun way for volunteers to virtually gather and a delight for the beneficiaries to receive!<br>The Adopt-A-Family program's continued success can be attributed to the hundreds of volunteers that see the program as a worthwhile endeavor and generously donate their time and gifts. Los Angeles is fortunate to have caring people sharing and bringing joy to those in need.<br>The Adopt-A-Family program is the gift that can be enjoyed and cherished year-round by the Adoptee and the Sponsor alike. If you, a group of coworkers, family members, or friends are looking to make a difference this holiday season, the Adopt-A-Family program is for you. Choose to make a difference in someone's life this holiday season and keep the spirit of effective and caring service alive.<br>Donations are tax deductible. Please note: The online sponsor application is not compatible with the Internet Explorer browser.</p><p>If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at (323) 986-2741 or e-mail: adoptafamily@dpss.lacounty.gov</p><p>We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. -Sir Winston Churchill</p> |